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🌟 VOTE APRIL 1, 2025 🌟
Jim Tinaglia for Mayor

Guiding Arlington Heights Towards a Brighter Future

Jim Tinaglia is a 52-year resident of Arlington Heights and is deeply committed to this community. Prior to serving on the Arlington Heights Village Board since 2013 as the first and only architect, Jim served for 11 years as a member and Chairman of the Arlington Heights Design Committee that guides decisions related to architecture, design, aesthetics and signage, to ensure the community’s character is maintained and protected.

Jim is now ready to leverage his experiences serving this great community as its next Mayor. He vows to utilize his professional knowledge and experiences, along with his deep community roots, to positively guide any opportunities or issues that affect our residents and businesses.

“My unwavering belief in the potential and many values of Arlington Heights underscores my commitment to protecting our heritage while fostering thoughtful new development.”

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About Jim

The right person for the job, building upon a solid foundation.


Years of Community Involvement

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